Project Category Stage 4

Colonial Drive Enhancements (2019)

This Project will include improvements to the common areas between recently completed sorority houses as well as improvements to the roadways including paving, road markings, landscaping, bike paths, lighting and security.

2nd Avenue Overpass

Sitework is underway. The project is expected to bid late fall 2019 and begin construction early 2020.

New Tutwiler Residence Hall

The third residence hall built to honor Julia Tutwiler, a champion for education in Alabama.

Hewson Hall

This is a new classroom building for the Culverhouse College of Business and is expected to complete August of 2021.

Capstone College of Nursing Addition

The Capstone College of Nursing (CCN) Addition project involves a three-story addition to the west side of the existing facility which is also reflected in the 2017 Master Plan.