Project Category Project Status

Colonial Drive Enhancements (2019)

This Project will include improvements to the common areas between recently completed sorority houses as well as improvements to the roadways including paving, road markings, landscaping, bike paths, lighting and security.

New Alumni Hall

Fundraising efforts are ongoing for this project.

Peter Bryce Main Renovation

Recognizing the caliber of the performing arts at UA, the University is writing a new script and reimagining the role of Bryce Main. This transformation will reenergize and reimagine this historic facility.

Aquatic Center Renovation

Interior renovations are ongoing and are expected to complete November 2019. The exterior renovation of the 25M pool was completed over Summer 2019.

2nd Avenue Overpass

Sitework is underway. The project is expected to bid late fall 2019 and begin construction early 2020.