Project Category Project Status

H. M. Comer Renovation

This renovation was completed in August of 2018 and is in use by the College of Engineering.

John H. England, Jr. Hall

Completed in August of 2018, this new residence hall is operational and named after the Honorable John H. England, Jr.

Tutwiler Parking Deck

Completed in July of 2018, this deck is operational and will support the future New Tutwiler Residence Hall upon its completion in July 2022.

Gorgas Library Core Support

This project includes the renovation of the restrooms and the replacement of elevators in Gorgas Library.

University Hall Renovation

Completed in July of 2019, University Hall is the new home for the College of Continuing Studies.

Paty Hall Renovation

The renovation upgraded Paty Hall and was completed in August of 2019. The exterior and stairwell improvement work will be completed over Summer 2020.

Reese Phifer Radio and Satellite Farm Relocation

Removing the services off of the tower will allow the University to remove the communication tower, enhancing the aesthetics of the immediate area and improving safety. The connectivity will be relocated off campus without impairing operations.