Water Distribution System Enhancements

  • Intersection of Campus Drive and Riverside Drive
Information at a Glance


Utilities & Infrastructure



Construction Type

New Construction

Current Phase


College or Division

Division of Finance and Operations

CA Filing Code


Project GSF


Construction Start

August 24, 2020

Construction End

October 2022



Project Architect

McGiffert & Associates

General Contractor

Dominion Construction

Project Manager

David Welch

Project Admin

Katie Crocker-Buta

Project Summary

The City of Tuscaloosa will construct a new Water Tower as part of the City’s Water Distribution System Enhancements Project from Queen City Avenue east to campus. This tower will be located at the intersection of Campus Drive and Riverside Drive on the northwest edge of campus.

The University and The City partnered to study the long term needs of the Water Distribution System on campus and in the surrounding areas and identified that significant investment in the system is necessary to meet demand from current use and planned development.

This project will include the construction of the water tower to increase and stabilize water pressure throughout campus and the surrounding community and eliminate the potential for any pressure-related water issues during large events being held on campus. The City has agreed to construct the water tower at their cost and the University pays the cost for University selected graphics for the tank.

Information at a Glance

BOT Budget


Funding Sources

  • University Plant Reserves :

Banner/Project #


Project Accountant

Sherell Harrison (8-6838)

BOT Submissions

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

View Board Manual
Category Utilities & Infrastructure
College/Division Division of Finance and Operations
Status Closed
Construction Phase Complete
Construction Type New Construction
Street Address Intersection of Campus Drive and Riverside Drive
Project Number UTL-19-2061
Architect McGiffert & Associates
Project Manager David Welch
Project Admin Katie Crocker-Buta
Field Coordinator
General Contractor Dominion Construction
Interior Designer
Bid Date
Construction Start August 24, 2020
Scheduled Construction End October 2022
Year End Inspection Information Not Yet Available
Fundraising Site
SharePoint Active Project Site Link https://bama365.sharepoint.com/sites/9VD1V/UTL-19-2061
AiM Link https://fmax.fa.ua.edu/fmax/screen/WO_VIEW?proposal=98404
Campus Map Link https://map.concept3d.com/?id=1222#!m/511974?ce/31891?ct/40824,31490?mc/33.21172237510305,-87.54948019981384?z/17?lvl/0
BIR Building Link https://bama365.sharepoint.com/sites/98C3D/default.aspx
Closeout Documents Link
View Warranty Documents
Project Summary

The City of Tuscaloosa will construct a new Water Tower as part of the City’s Water Distribution System Enhancements Project from Queen City Avenue east to campus. This tower will be located at the intersection of Campus Drive and Riverside Drive on the northwest edge of campus.

The University and The City partnered to study the long term needs of the Water Distribution System on campus and in the surrounding areas and identified that significant investment in the system is necessary to meet demand from current use and planned development.

This project will include the construction of the water tower to increase and stabilize water pressure throughout campus and the surrounding community and eliminate the potential for any pressure-related water issues during large events being held on campus. The City has agreed to construct the water tower at their cost and the University pays the cost for University selected graphics for the tank.

Budget 650000
Banner Fund Number 98404
Project Accountant Sherell Harrison (8-6838)
Funding Source(s)
Construction Dashboard Link https://spd.ua.edu/construction/Awards/Funds?fund=98404&detail=all
Link to Awarded Contracts Dashboard https://everest-sf.fa.ua.edu/Runtime/Form/Awarded+Contracts+Dashboard
View Bid Tab https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/certified-bid-tabs/
Link to eCORAF https://everest-sf.fa.ua.edu/Runtime/Form/CORAFList
Link to ePayApp https://everest-sf.fa.ua.edu/Runtime/Form/Awarded+Contracts+PayApp+Dashboard
ePIRPAF Link https://everest-sf.fa.ua.edu/Runtime/Form/Project%20Initiation%20Request/?_State=PIR_HISTORY&GUID=3C53C2FD-6798-4090-B470-FEF967EBAB85
Stage 1 BOT Submittal(s)
Stage 2 BOT Submittal(s)
Stage 3 BOT Submittal(s)
Stage 4 BOT Submittal(s)
BOT Site
RFQ Documents
Advertisement for Bids
Bid Tabulations
Link to Bid Site https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/bids/
Consultant Agreements https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/agreements/
Design Guidelines https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/design-guidelines/
Front End Documents https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/front-end-documents/
Instructions Link https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/public-forms/
360 Embed Code
BOT Stage