Central Campus Thermal Energy Connection (Packages E-G)

  • NA
Information at a Glance


Utilities & Infrastructure



Construction Type


Current Phase


College or Division

Division of Finance and Operations

CA Filing Code


Bid Date


Construction Start

May 2020

Construction End

August 2020

Project Architect

HHB Engineers & Burns and McDonnell

General Contractor


Project Manager

Steven Mercado (8-4640)

Interior Designer


Project Summary

Package E – Bryant Denny Stadium Thermal Connection will connect BDS to the existing
thermal energy system allowing BDS to remove the chillers throughout the stadium. This
package will yield significant operational and energy savings for the University due to load
diversity within the system and not having to run numerous independent air-cooled chillers at
the stadium at all times and load conditions.

Package F – Tutwiler Thermal Piping Distribution will extend the thermal piping from the newly
installed connector point at the intersection of Judy Bonner Drive and Colonial Drive to the
South Campus Energy Plant located in the Tutwiler Parking Deck to provide thermal energy for
the new Tutwiler Hall and to provide interconnection to the future South Campus Energy Plant
to the Central System as described in Package C.

Package G – East Quad Energy Plant Fit-Out and Parham/Burke Thermal Connections will
furnish and install the remaining chillers and cooling towers at the East Quad Energy Plant. In
addition, the thermal piping will be extended to Martha Parham Hall and Mary Burke Hall. The
thermal energy piping will connect at the existing valves located at the intersection of Magnolia
Drive and 6th Street to provide hot and chilled water to the buildings which will allow for the
decommissioning of the existing equipment. This will also allow both buildings to be converted
to a 4-pipe system for greater temperature control, enhancing occupant comfort, and energy

Information at a Glance

BOT Budget


Funding Sources

  • 2017 General Revenue Bonds :
  • University Reserves :
  • University Construction, Renovation and Equipment Fund :

Banner/Project #


Project Accountant

Cindy Fowler (8-5460)

BOT Submissions

Stage 1

Stage 2


Stage 3


Stage 4

View Board Manual
Category Utilities & Infrastructure
College/Division Division of Finance and Operations
Status Active
Construction Phase Construction
Construction Type Other
Street Address NA
Project Number UTL-16-949
Architect HHB Engineers & Burns and McDonnell
Project Manager Steven Mercado (8-4640)
Project Admin
Field Coordinator
General Contractor TBD
Interior Designer NA
Bid Date TBD
Construction Start May 2020
Scheduled Construction End August 2020
Year End Inspection
Fundraising Site
SharePoint Active Project Site Link https://uafinancialaffairs.sharepoint.com/sites/7M27T/UTL-16-949/
AiM Link https://fmax.fa.ua.edu/fmax/screen/PROJECT_VIEW?project=90742
Campus Map Link
BIR Building Link https://uafinancialaffairs.sharepoint.com/sites/98C3D/default.aspx
Closeout Documents Link
View Warranty Documents
Project Summary

Package E – Bryant Denny Stadium Thermal Connection will connect BDS to the existing
thermal energy system allowing BDS to remove the chillers throughout the stadium. This
package will yield significant operational and energy savings for the University due to load
diversity within the system and not having to run numerous independent air-cooled chillers at
the stadium at all times and load conditions.

Package F – Tutwiler Thermal Piping Distribution will extend the thermal piping from the newly
installed connector point at the intersection of Judy Bonner Drive and Colonial Drive to the
South Campus Energy Plant located in the Tutwiler Parking Deck to provide thermal energy for
the new Tutwiler Hall and to provide interconnection to the future South Campus Energy Plant
to the Central System as described in Package C.

Package G – East Quad Energy Plant Fit-Out and Parham/Burke Thermal Connections will
furnish and install the remaining chillers and cooling towers at the East Quad Energy Plant. In
addition, the thermal piping will be extended to Martha Parham Hall and Mary Burke Hall. The
thermal energy piping will connect at the existing valves located at the intersection of Magnolia
Drive and 6th Street to provide hot and chilled water to the buildings which will allow for the
decommissioning of the existing equipment. This will also allow both buildings to be converted
to a 4-pipe system for greater temperature control, enhancing occupant comfort, and energy

Budget 32974000
Banner Fund Number 90742
Project Accountant Cindy Fowler (8-5460)
Funding Source(s)
Construction Dashboard Link https://spd.ua.edu/construction/Awards/Funds?fund=90742&detail=all
Link to Awarded Contracts Dashboard https://everest-sf.fa.ua.edu/Runtime/Form/Awarded+Contracts+Dashboard
View Bid Tab https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/certified-bid-tabs/
Link to eCORAF https://everest-sf.fa.ua.edu/Runtime/Form/CORAFList
Link to ePayApp https://everest-sf.fa.ua.edu/Runtime/Form/Awarded+Contracts+PayApp+Dashboard
ePIRPAF Link https://everest-sf.fa.ua.edu/Runtime/Form/Project%20Initiation%20Request/?_State=PIR_HISTORY&GUID=3E951C36-65D8-42F7-AC1D-AB9429F988C8
Stage 1 BOT Submittal(s)
Stage 2 BOT Submittal(s)
Stage 3 BOT Submittal(s)
Stage 4 BOT Submittal(s)
BOT Site
RFQ Documents
Advertisement for Bids
Bid Tabulations
Link to Bid Site https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/bids/
Consultant Agreements https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/agreements/
Design Guidelines https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/design-guidelines/
Front End Documents https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/front-end-documents/
Instructions Link https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/public-forms/
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