Harris Hall and the Former Alpha Gamma Delta House Demolition

  • 745 Colonial Drive and 890 Judy Bonner Drive
Information at a Glance





Construction Type


Current Phase


College or Division


CA Filing Code


Project GSF

- 68,463

Bid Date


Construction End

July 2023

Project Architect

Davis Architects

General Contractor

Britt Demolition

Project Manager

Suzanne Webster

Field Coordinator

Colby Mixon

Project Admin

Alison Langham

Project Summary

The University of Alabama (“University”) proposes to demolish Harris Hall and the Former Alpha Gamma Delta House buildings (“Project”) located at 745 Colonial Drive and 890 Judy Bonner Drive respectively in accordance with the Campus Master Plan Amendment approved by The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama on September 17, 2021.

Originally constructed in 1939, Harris Hall consists of a three (3) story structure and is approximately 49,940 gross square feet in total. The estimated deferred maintenance liability for the buildings is approximately $5,266,277, not including code required upgrades for ADA. The demolition will result in annual savings of approximately $221,481 in Operations and Maintenance

The former Alpha Gamma Delta House, originally constructed in 1960, consists of a three (3) story structure and full basement and is approximately 18,523 gross square feet in total. The estimated deferred maintenance liability for the buildings is approximately $987,000 not including code required upgrades for ADA. The demolition will result in annual savings of approximately $28,807 in Operations and Maintenance costs.

In accordance with standard University procedure for main campus building demolition, The University will complete the Historic American Building Survey (HABS) and Historic American Building Engineering Record (HAER), and a standard building commemoration pedestal and plaque will be provided for the site.


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Information at a Glance

BOT Budget


Funding Sources

  • University Central Reserves :
BOT Submissions

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

View Board Manual
Category Other
College/Division Other
Status Active
Construction Phase Complete
Construction Type Other
GSF - 68,463
Street Address 745 Colonial Drive and 890 Judy Bonner Drive
Zone 7
Project Number 004-22-2766
Architect Davis Architects
Project Manager Suzanne Webster
Project Admin Alison Langham
Field Coordinator Colby Mixon
General Contractor Britt Demolition
Interior Designer
Bid Date Multiple
Construction Start
Scheduled Construction End July 2023
Year End Inspection Information Not Yet Available
Fundraising Site
SharePoint Active Project Site Link
AiM Link https://fmax.fa.ua.edu/fmax/screen/PROJECT_VIEW?project=XXXXX
Campus Map Link https://map.concept3d.com/?id=1222#!m/584095
BIR Building Link https://bama365.sharepoint.com/sites/98C3D/default.aspx
Closeout Documents Link
View Warranty Documents
Project Summary

The University of Alabama (“University”) proposes to demolish Harris Hall and the Former Alpha Gamma Delta House buildings (“Project”) located at 745 Colonial Drive and 890 Judy Bonner Drive respectively in accordance with the Campus Master Plan Amendment approved by The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama on September 17, 2021.

Originally constructed in 1939, Harris Hall consists of a three (3) story structure and is approximately 49,940 gross square feet in total. The estimated deferred maintenance liability for the buildings is approximately $5,266,277, not including code required upgrades for ADA. The demolition will result in annual savings of approximately $221,481 in Operations and Maintenance

The former Alpha Gamma Delta House, originally constructed in 1960, consists of a three (3) story structure and full basement and is approximately 18,523 gross square feet in total. The estimated deferred maintenance liability for the buildings is approximately $987,000 not including code required upgrades for ADA. The demolition will result in annual savings of approximately $28,807 in Operations and Maintenance costs.

In accordance with standard University procedure for main campus building demolition, The University will complete the Historic American Building Survey (HABS) and Historic American Building Engineering Record (HAER), and a standard building commemoration pedestal and plaque will be provided for the site.


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Budget 955000
Banner Fund Number
Project Accountant
Funding Source(s)
Construction Dashboard Link
Link to Awarded Contracts Dashboard https://everest-sf.fa.ua.edu/Runtime/Form/Awarded+Contracts+Dashboard
View Bid Tab https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/certified-bid-tabs/
Link to eCORAF https://everest-sf.fa.ua.edu/Runtime/Form/CORAFList
Link to ePayApp https://everest-sf.fa.ua.edu/Runtime/Form/Awarded+Contracts+PayApp+Dashboard
ePIRPAF Link https://everest-sf.fa.ua.edu/Runtime/Form/Project%20Initiation%20Request/?_State=PIR_HISTORY&GUID=649A1F64-92F1-4A83-A67B-11494185DE31
Stage 1 BOT Submittal(s)
Stage 2 BOT Submittal(s)
Stage 3 BOT Submittal(s)
Stage 4 BOT Submittal(s)
BOT Site
RFQ Documents
Advertisement for Bids
Bid Tabulations
Link to Bid Site https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/bids/
Consultant Agreements https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/agreements/
Design Guidelines https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/design-guidelines/
Front End Documents https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/front-end-documents/
Instructions Link https://constructionpublicinfo.ua.edu/public-forms/
360 Embed Code
BOT Stage